302 Redirect Quick Start Guide

302 Redirect Quick Start Guide

302 Redirect Quick Start Guide for STIR/SHAKEN

Please read the following information:
  1. The general explanation, Peeredge implementation and routing logic information has been provided in the STIR/SHAKEN article.
  2. If you already have a 302 source that can return the digital token for insertion into the SIP Header using a 302 redirect response, iterate through the configuration sections below to configure.
    1. As the 46 Labs platform will not be signing attempts directly, it will permit configuration of signing endpoints that use a 302 redirect interface. Each customer/termination trunk group can then select which signing endpoint it uses out of the globally configured Call Signing Endpoints.
  3. Dallas Originating IPs: and
  4. Ashburn Originating IPs:
  5. 46 Labs has Tested/Certified following call signing vendors for now at scale using industry standard 302 redirect method.  
    1. TILTX  (https://www.tiltx.com)
  6. This feature is only available on our HCv environment: reach out to support if you are unable to see it in the UI.
  7. Please reach out to support@46labs.com for additional information or in case you have your own endpoint integration.

Configuration of Call Signing Endpoints

Navigation: Settings >> STIR/SHAKEN Endpoints

Endpoints will be configured as a list wherein users can create an unlimited number of endpoints, each with its own IP or FQDN. (UDP protocol is required currently)

In most cases, there will be a separate endpoint for each attestation level (A, B, C). Some implementations might also use dynamic endpoints which will assign attestation levels based on criteria they determine during the dip itself.

Customer/Termination Trunk Group Configuration

We have added the ability for 46 Labs customers to sign calls on behalf of their customers if no token is included in the SIP Identity Header of the outbound call. We also provide the ability to block customer/termination attempts if the customer is supposed to sign their own calls but does not. 

  • The STIR/SHAKEN "Treatment” drop-down on customer/termination trunk groups allow users to identify how the attempts will be handled. This is a required field for customer/termination trunk groups. Configuration options include:

  • No Treatment - This will simply send the attempt through the routing module without any kind of blocking or signing. (Default Setting)

  • Block Unsigned - This feature will be used if the originator is supposed to sign their own calls. If an attempt is received without a token, it will be blocked with “503 / Missing SS token.”

  • Sign Unsigned Calls - This option will be used if the 46 Labs platform is supposed to sign calls for the customer using a selected STIR/SHAKEN endpoint. It will not alter calls that have already been signed.

  • The STIR/SHAKEN "Endpoint” drop-down will allow the user to select a STIR/SHAKEN signing endpoint configured in the Call Signing Endpoints page. This field is required if STIR/SHAKEN Treatment = “Sign Unsigned Calls”. If STIR/SHAKEN Treatment is “No Treatment” or “Block Unsigned” then this drop-down is not required.

Invite/Response Example

INVITE sip:19495964629@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj1bb44035-bc9a-4ae8-b099-c9da2b731de4
Max-Forwards: 70
From: sip:19495964629@;tag=0c407c59-751e-45af-93f3-27ac133d67a6
Contact: <sip:19495964629@;ob>
Call-ID: da8fd167-b518-4053-a3ec-7e504d8bd577
CSeq: 20495 INVITE
Supported: replaces, 100rel, timer, norefersub
Session-Expires: 1800
Min-SE: 90
User-Agent: HCv
X-SUBID: devdev01
Attestation: A
Content-Length:  0

SIP/2.0 302 Moved Temporarily.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKPjhbSF313qP6ImtB7Z1lzxD3-clbu8l16U.
To:  <sip:13178564903@>;tag=3b5c80c5-c38d-49b6-978f-21b3bcd68349.
From:  <sip:17068015359@>;tag=ZAxUhcKKiLXFJeYLKjlvxskYHADeo4Th.
Call-ID: YDc7a.NELI1m5s9c6u0wG4.kXbNw8frK.
CSeq: 23910 INVITE.
X-Clearip-Id: 3b5c80c5-c38d-49b6-978f-21b3bcd68349;sbc=69caed66-ddae-4a4e-8123-843de9affd24;serviceProvider=c2f49b72-a2fa-4927-b2fd-314daf586c81;group=1ebbeeec-cf4f-404f-9021-e36733c53cc1;user=a1561729-57b6-4eee-81ab-74e0a83a98d6.
Identity: eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInBwdCI6InNoYWtlbiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9jZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZXMuY2xlYXJpcC5jb20vZmRmYjMzMjgtYjc1NC00YTBkLThiMzQtZGUzMGIwOGFkYWMyL2I1MGU4YjRkMjIwY2YzZDhkMzAwNWJjNTUwNGY4OGNmLmNydCJ9.eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJDIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6WyIxMzE3ODU2NDkwMyJdfSwiaWF0IjoxNjI0NjQ3NjEyLCJvcmlnIjp7InRuIjoiMTcwNjgwMTUzNTkifSwib3JpZ2lkIjoiYTE1NjE3MjktNTdiNi00ZWVlLTgxYWItNzRlMGE4M2E5OGQ2In0.75UZkSej96Jb0IgbssW_1CfrtYfhgRttY-2P5ljeJUip5uKx0ZQEk4UtWQs5rwtEsnSvcJk-sPtGGT4msywvYQ;info=<https://certificates.clearip.com/fdfb3328-b754-4a0d-8b34-de30b08adac2/b50e8b4d220cf3d8d3005bc5504f88cf.crt>;alg=ES256;ppt=shaken.
Contact: <sip:13178564903@>;q=0.99.
Reason: SIP;cause=302;text="no-fraud-detected".
Content-Length: 0.

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