

The 46Labs Bursting Model allows customers to utilize ports to the maximum amount provisioned for them. Customers buy a set value of base ports, commits and then a bursting cap.

  1. Billing is based upon a simple math operation that most people in data and telecom use to calculate bursting charges, called the Nth percentile calculation. The N can be any value but 1-100, but at 46Labs we mostly use 98 or 95.
  2. This formula reorders all of your data points from highest to lowest (in our case its ports which we collect every minute) and discards the 100 to N% values.
  3. Only ports that are sustained long enough to be registered are recorded as data points.

The 98th percentile is calculated by discarding the top 2% of values:
  1. We collect stats once every minute: 60*1 = 60 points every hour
  2. 1 day has 24 hours: 24*60 = 1440 points per day
  3. Each month has 30 days on average: 30*1440 = 43200 points per month
  4. 2% of 43200 = 864 top values are discarded to get 98th percentile values

The 95th percentile is calculated by discarding the top 5% of values:
  1. We collect stats once every minute: 60*1 = 60 data points every hour
  2. 1 day has 24 hours: 24*60 = 1440 data points per day
  3. Each month has 30 days on average: 30*1440 = 43200 data points for entire month
  4. 5% of 43200 = 2160 top values are discarded to get 95th percentile values

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