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Rate Deck
A rate deck is a simple table that shows a call destination and cost to complete.
This menu contains a set of tools which give you more control over Perimeter configurations, network usage and definitions. Upload Status Tools > Upload Status The Upload Status page presents a summary of all the documents uploaded to Perimeter. ...
Introduction The Settings menu allows you to set up options which influence the way you configure Relationships. Account Settings You can change and update your Perimeter Account Details in the Account Settings section. To access the Account Settings ...
Origination-Customer Relationship Configuration
A Relationship is a network configuration between your company and your customers or vendors. By creating a Relationship, you will set up the routing logic and rates that enable you to capitalize on the phone calls made on your network. An ...
Quick Start Guide
Introduction What is Perimeter and what does it do? Perimeter/ECO enables carriers and enterprises to optimize global voice networks while leveraging machine learning technologies to automate the management and resiliency of global voice networks ...