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The ASR (Answer-Seizure Ratio) is the percentage of telephone calls that are answered. This is a measure of network quality and call success rates in telecommunications.
This article will describe the Reporting tools and functions available from the Reporting menu. Generating Graphs To generate a graph for the reports available through the Reporting menu, you will need to: Navigate to your required reporting page ...
CDR Dictionary
The purpose of this article is to enumerate and describe the fields in the CDR. CDR Files Specification File format: The default file is comma-separated with a header row. Fields have maximum lengths based by data type as described in the Format ...
P-Charge Info
The P-Charge Info options are found under the Trunk Group options: OFF: This will not do anything to the header from the INVITE. Just passes the headers downstream. USE & PASS: This will mean if the header is present, use it for jurisdiction ...
PRV (Predictive Routing Value) refers to the process of using known historical behavior of each customer as it relates to each vendor and then using that scoring system to determine the optimal routing order. PRV scoring is made up of 3 primary ...