Origination-Vendor Relationship Configuration

Origination-Vendor Relationship Configuration

A relationship is a network configuration between your company and your customers or vendors. By creating a relationship, you will set up the routing logic and rates that enable you to capitalize on the phone calls made on your network.

An Origination-Vendor configuration will enable you to receive traffic whose origination point is a vendor (traffic originates at the Vendor and terminates at you).

Relationship Overview

A Relationship has multiple components which must be configured appropriately. This document will explain how to set up all Relationships components for an Origination-Vendor configuration.

Here is a high level description of each Relationship component:

  • Relationship Info: basic information about the Relationship such as Name and Contacts

  • Trunk Group: a collection of associated Trunks which can be managed through a single dashboard. Each trunk describes the end-to-end connectivity of your network

  • Rating: the model for charging the customer's usage

  • Routing: the traffic routing configuration, containing filters and routing rules

  • Balance: credit and debit notifications and alerts for customers

  • Invoicing: invoice generation

  • Portals: generating login credentials for users with specific permissions

  • Agents: independent external contacts which can refer new customers for your business in exchange for a commission

  • Logs: history of all changes made to the Relationship

Relationship Dashboard

The Relationship Dashboard will give you a summary of all currently configured relationships.

This page allows you to:
  1. Create a new Relationship

  2. Modify an existing Relationship

  3. Export all Relationship entries as a .csv file

  4. Activate and Deactivate Relationships

  5. Delete Relationships

Create or Modify a Relationship

Relationship Detail Strip (modify only)

Relationship > Modify

Whenever you Modify a Relationship, you will notice the menu featured in the image below on every tab of the Relationship. It will outline basic information about the Relationship as a reference when modifying the configuration such as:

  • Relationship Name

  • Status: enabled or disabled

  • Last Modified: date the Relationship was last modified

  • Billing Cycle: associated billing cycle

  • Last Invoiced: date for the last invoice created

  • Account Number

  • Current Balance: amount of credit or outstanding charges

  • Modifier: last user who modified the Relationship

  • Trunk Groups: the number of Trunk Groups configured for this Relationship

Relationship Info

Relationship > Create/Modify

Contains basic information about the relationship which act as identifiers. It is split in two sections: Relationship Information (alongside Address and Phone) on the left and Relationships contacts on the right.

Relationship Information

Relationship > Create/Modify > Relationship Info

This page allows for configuration of basic information about the Relationship. The information here is fed into other functions such as Invoices, Trunks and Billing.

  1. Select a logo for the Relationship - This will be displayed on invoices.

  2. Relationship Name - This is the main identifier of the Relationship.

  3. Account Number

  4. Toggle Send Trunk Group Notification - This will send notifications any time there is a change made to any Trunk to any contacts of the Type ‘Technical’.

  5. Website - This will be displayed on invoices and notifications.

  6. Time Zone - This is used for calculating billing cycles and logging actions.

Address & Phone Information

Relationship > Create/Modify > Relationship Info

The Address and Phone information is used to generate invoices for your customers and vendors.

Relationship Contacts

Relationship > Create/Modify > Relationship  Info

Contacts are entries which hold your customer or vendor details. In this section you can select the number of Contacts displayed per page, search for a Contact by keyword or:

  1. Create a new Contact

  2. Export contacts as a .csv file

  3. Delete Contacts

Create a Relationship Contact

Relationship > Create/Modify > Relationship Info > Relationship Contacts

Contacts are people designated to receive notifications and emails regarding specific aspects of Perimeter.

If you do not have contacts set up, you will not be able to send notifications or other emails to your customers or vendors. 

To create a new contact, you will need to complete the following fields:

  • Contact Type: 

    • NOC - These contacts will receive notifications whenever there is a change made to a Trunk or Trunk Group.

    • Billing - Will receive invoices produced by the platform.

    • Sales - These contacts are known as ‘Agents’ and will receive emails containing details about their commissions.

    • Balance - Will receive emails with balance limit warnings and outstanding payments.

    • Rate - Will receive a list of rates associated with specific Trunk configurations.

  • Email Address: The email address where the person will be contacted

  • Name: Name of the Contact

  • IM Address: Instant Messenger address such as Skype

  • Phone number: Mobile or Landline contact number

Export Relationship Contacts

Relationship > Create/Modify > Relationship Info

  1. In the Relationship Contact section, click on Export 

  2. You will begin downloading a .csv containing the Relationship Contact details

Trunk Group

Configuring trunks will describe the end-to-end connectivity for your network. You can set up multiple trunks and manage them as a single entity. Each Trunk Group will need to have a defined Direction (termination/origination) and Relationship (vendor/customer). This section will describe a Origination-Vendor trunk group configuration.


Zones are clusters of IPs grouped together within a location. They can be useful for networks with multiple data centers or those who need to split customers based on IP(s) for cross connect. Zones allow to split Trunk Groups per zone and Location and isolate them. Please reach out to your account manager for more info on zones and how it can be installed on your instance.

Trunk Group Dashboard

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group

In the Dashboard you can select the number of Trunk Groups displayed per page, search for a Trunk Group by keyword or:

  1. Assign a Routeplan to the Trunk Group

  2. Assign a Rate Deck to the Trunk Group

  3. Modify a Trunk Group

  4. Create a new Trunk Group

  5. Export Trunk Groups as a .csv

  6. Activate/Deactivate a Trunk Group

  7. Delete a Trunk Group

Assign Rate Deck

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group

Rate Decks contain the pricing models used for calls depending on the geographical/geopolitical location of the origination and termination devices. If you do not assign a Rate Deck to a Trunk group, Perimeter will not be able to charge your customers and vendors for the network usage.

You need to select a specific Rate Deck for each type of call in order for the correct rating to be applied to each type of call.

Depending on the type of call that you are configuring, you can assign a Rate Deck as follows:

  1. Select a Trunk Group from the list in the Dashboard by clicking on the 2nd column of the list item

  2. Click on Assign Rate Deck

  3. In the pop-up window, select a Rate Deck from the drop-down menu

  4. After receiving a message saying ‘Assigned Successfully’, you can close the pop-up Window

To unassign a Rate Deck:

  1. Select a Trunk Group from the list in the Dashboard by clicking on the 2nd column of the list item

  2. Click on Assign Rate Deck

  3. In the pop-up window, click on the ‘-’ button on the right of the drop-down menu

  4. After receiving a message saying ‘Unassigned Successfully’, you can close the pop-up Window

Create/Modify a Trunk Group

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group

This section will describe every field of creating or modifying a Trunk Group. If you are interested in setting up a specific Trunk Group configuration for Wholesale or DID, click here.

Trunk Group Basic Information

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Create/Modify

In this section you will need to provide core information about Trunks such as:

  1. Name: Trunk Group name

  2. Direction: Origination - you are receiving traffic from someone, either a Vendor or a Customer. An Origination-Vendor configuration would mean that you are receiving traffic whose origination point is a vendor (Traffic originates at the Vendor and terminates at you)

  3. Relationship - Vendor

  4. Enable NAT: NAT helps improve security and decrease the number of IP addresses an organization needs.

  5. External Name

  6. Copy

  7. Tech Prefix: may be assigned to an originating or terminating Trunk Group to differentiate it or to provide an added level of security. We always recommend that you set a Tech Prefix on an Originating Trunk Group, even if you don't plan on having multiple originating Trunk Groups. Note: It is a REQUIREMENT to have a Tech Prefix assigned to a Trunk Group if you have multiple originating Trunk Groups, unless the originator is differentiating their traffic solely by IP Address and those addresses don't overlap. 

Limit Options:

  1. Ports: Number of ports that you want to assign to the Trunk Group

  2. CPS: The number of calls which can be pre-selected. We recommend a default ratio for Ports:CPS of 10:1

  3. Max Call Duration: Calls which exceed this duration will be terminated

  4. Max PDD: Maximum delay between the time the call is dialed until it the caller hears ringing

  5. BTN - Billing Telephone Number

  6. Capacity Group - Select Capacity Group

  7. Time Limit of Day - Only call between specific hours in the day

  8. Enable Triggers

  9. ANI Normalization - Toggle ANI normalization for inbound ANI(s) that are 10 digits long 

  10. Bursting Threshold


Add Trunks 

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Create/Modify


  1. Only 1 [IP, Port and Protocol] configuration can be added against 1 Origination Trunk and 1 Termination trunk
  2. You can reuse the same [IP, Port and Protocol] configuration only if you add a Tech Prefix for the other Trunk Groups. Information about Tech Prefixes can be found here.

To add a Trunk you will need to provide the following:

  1. Trunk Type: 

    • IP address: Provide IP Address and Port


    • Registration: Provide Username and Password

  1. Protocol: UDP/TCP/TLS

  2. Switch IP: You will need to give the Switch IP to your customers and vendors in order to run traffic through the trunk. Only one IP is necessary for both Termination Vendors and Customers. This IP is located at the bottom of the Add Trunk section. You can also find your Switch IP and your Media IPs in the Settings Tab, under General Settings.

After setting up your configuration, press Create

All the created Trunks will appear under the Trunks section. 

Media Handling

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Create/Modify

There are 4 settings for handling media content:

  • Filtering: This setting allows you to specify which codecs are allowed on this Trunk Group. Note: All codecs are passed through by default.

  • Anchoring: This setting allows you to anchor (proxy) the media through the Peeredge Platform. This feature is useful for media topology hiding or going through firewalls. Note: The new Peeredge supports on-demand transcoding for media anchored calls. If the SBC determines that there is not a suitable codec negotiation on anchored calls, the system will automatically negotiate the suitable originating and terminating codec and transcode the session. 

  • Dynamic Transcoding: This setting allows for automatic switching to a different format or bitrate without compromising on the original quality.

  • Secure RTP: Provides message authentication and integrity, encryption and replay attack protection to the RTP data.

Signaling Manipulation

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Create/Modify

This section will enable you to set up a rule to find and replace a string in a packet with anything of your choice. This is achieved using Regular Expressions.

To create a manipulation expression provide:

  1. Header

    1. ANI

    2. DNIS

    3. SIP Code

  2. Search: The section of a string to be replaced.

  3. Replace: What to replace the searched section with.

  4. Press Create

Once you add a rule, it will be displayed in the list below.

Route Advance Logic

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Create/Modify

Given a list of HTTP status codes, you can select set up routing based on the responses received. Route Advance Logic converts all codes mentioned in the regex to a 503. If you remove a code from the regex, as well as UNchecking “normalize sip code” in the trunk group settings, you will return that code back to the customer.

Find out more about Regular Expressions here.


Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Create/Modify

Note: In the Trunk Group Basic Information section, you must have Enable Triggers checked for this menu to be displayed.

This feature allows users to sample up to 5 minutes of data for all performance metrics available. Triggers can be stacked on top of each other and multiple triggers can be set for the same metric.

To create a trigger you must provide: 

  1. Name

  2. Type

    1. Attempts

    2. Completions

    3. Minutes

    4. ASR

    5. ALOC

    6. Revenue

    7. Cost

    8. Profit

    9. Margin

    10. PPM

    11. MOS

    12. SDR

    13. NEPR

    14. Ports

    15. CPS

  3. Condition

  4. Value

  5. Trigger Expiration

  6. Contact Type

  7. Time Frame

    1. Always

    2. Custom

      1. Start Time

      2. End Time

      3. Weekdays

Once these are completed, press Create

Export Trunk Groups

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group 

After clicking on the Export button, you will need to type in a name for the .csv file.

You can choose whether to export the Trunk Group Configurations.

The export will contain:

  • Relationship Name

  • Trunk Group Name

  • Status

  • Directions

  • Relationship Type

  • Rating Assigned

  • Routeplan

  • Trunk (Count)

  • Monitoring

  • Media Anchor

  • Ports

  • CPS

  • Last Modification Date

  • External Name

  • NAT

  • Tech Prefix

  • Max Call Duration

  • Filter Media

  • Anchor Media

  • Transcoding

  • Codecs

  • Regexp Rule

  • Hunting Type

  • Egress IP

  • Send NDPI

Exporting the Configurations will include:

  • IP Address

  • Port

  • Protocol

  • Weight

  • Trunk Monitoring

  • Name of Modifier

  • Hunting

  • Username

  • Server IP

  • Trunk Type

  • ANI Override

  • Failover Order

Activate/Deactivate Trunk Group

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group 

Use the toggle switch on the right of the Trunk Group list entry to activate or deactivate it.

Delete Trunk Group

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group 

Press on the red delete icon and confirm to delete a Trunk Group and all its associated configurations.

Capacity Dashboard

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group 

This feature will allow customers to create a special capacity group based on port/CPS limits that can be assigned to multiple Trunk Groups and count their individual usage towards the group limits. This will allow customers to share capacity within the same relationship without the limitations of each individual Trunk Group.

From the Capacity Groups Dashboard, you can:

  1. Create/Modify a Capacity Group

  2. View assigned Trunk Groups

  3. View Capacity Group Triggers configuration

  4. Delete a Capacity Group

Create/Modify a Capacity Group

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Capacity Groups

To create a Capacity Group, provide the following:

  1. Capacity Group name

  2. External name

  3. Port Limit

  4. CPS Limit

  5. Description

  6. Bursting Threshold

    1. Port Limit

Assign a Trunk Group

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Capacity Groups

To assign a Trunk Group

  1. Select a Trunk Group from the drop-down menu

  2. Press Assign

Create/Modify a Capacity Group Trigger

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Capacity Groups

To Create/Modify a Capacity Group Trigger:

  1. Provide a Name

  2. Select the Type

    1. Ports

    2. CPS

  3. Select a Condition

    1. Less Than

    2. Greater Than

  4. Provide a Value

  5. Select a Trigger Expiration

  6. Select a Contact Type

    1. NOC

    2. Billing

    3. Sales

    4. Balance

    5. Rate

    6. Trigger

  7. Select a Time Frame

    1. Custom

    2. Always

Delete a Capacity Group

Relationship > Create/Modify > Trunk Group > Capacity Groups

To Delete a Capacity Group

  1. In the Capacity Dashboard, click the red Delete Button

  2. In the pop-up window, click on Delete


Rating describes the amount of money charged per unit of time. A Ratedeck is a pre-configured set of charging models depending on the geopolitical location of the customer and vendor.

Rate Sheets are mandatory for allowing perimeter to charge for calls made on your network.

Rating Dashboard

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

In this dashboard you can see the current Rate Sheets available. Details included are the Type of the Rate Sheet, Direction, Relationship and Effective Date. 

The dashboard enables you to:

  1. Select the Rating Template - click here to find out more about Templates

  2. Assign to Trunk Group - this process is mandatory for applying the charges to calls

  3. Modify an existing Rate Sheet

  4. Create a new Rate Sheet

  5. Export the list of Rate Sheets as a .csv file

  6. Distribute the Rate Sheet - sends the Rate Sheets to Rating Contacts

  7. Download the single Rate Sheet as a .csv

  8. View the Ratedeck History - see changes made to the Ratedeck

  9. Modify the Rates

  10. Delete the Rate Sheet

Select the Rating Template

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

Using the drop-down menu, you can choose which Rating Template you want to use as a default. To find out more about setting up templates, click here.

Assign to Trunk Group

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

Only after assigning a Ratedeck to a Origination Vendor Trunk Group you will be able to charge your customers and vendors for using your network. To assign a Ratedeck:

  1. Press the Assign to Trunk Group button

  2. In the pop-up window, press Add Trunk Group

  3. Select a Trunk Group from the drop-down menu

  4. Press Assign

To unassign:

  1. Press the Assign to Trunk Group button

  2. Press the Minus icon at the right of the respective Trunk Group

Create / Modify a Rate Sheet

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

To Create or Modify a Rate Sheet

    1. To create a new Rate Sheet, press on the blue Create button

    2. To modify an existing Rate Sheet, click on an item from the list to highlight it and press on Modify

  1. Provide a name for the Ratedeck

  1. Select a Location for the geopolitical area in which the call will be set up

    1. US & Canada 

    2. International - every other country including the EEA

  2. Set the Direction of the configuration as Origination - you are receiving traffic from an originating device

  3. Select the Deck Type - Different Deck Types are available depending on the Location and Direction



Deck Types Available

US & Canada





  1. Set the Relation as Vendor

  2. Select the number of Rounding Digits

  3. Select the Expiration Date

  4. Select the Effective Date - By default, this is set to the current date

  5. Download a Sample - use as a template for creating Ratedecks

  6. Select File - To import a .csv file as a Ratedeck source

  7. Save

Note: Expiration in the Rate Deck setup does not override the existing rate sheet that is loaded.

Ratedeck Mapping / Importing a Rate sheet

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

When you upload a Rate Sheet, you must align the headers from your .csv file to the headers provided in Perimeter:

  1. Select an existing Rate Sheet (by clicking on the list item in the second row) and click on Modify

  2. Click on the Select File 

  3. Select your .csv file and click Open. A new section named Ratedeck Mapping will appear in Perimeter

  4. All the headers from your .csv file will appear in the drop-down menus. You will need to assign a header to each of the drop-down menus

  5. (International Only) - You can select the Append Rates checkbox. This will add another drop down menu named Change Rates to which you assign your .csv file headers. Appending will allow you to upload rate changes that take effect at different times as the international rates are distributed 

  6. After you finish mapping all the headers to the drop-down menus, click on Save & Upload

Appending International Rates

When appending International Rates, you can choose between the following options:

  • Keep Future Dates

  • Overwrite

  • Orphan Codes: Allows you to load a full A-Z deck on top of the previous deck and clean out any remaining codes from the system that are not present in the new deck. You can select how many days out you want to orphan the codes so that you can continue to use the existing rates until they are to be deleted.

Download a Rate Sheet Sample as a .csv file

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

  1. Select a Rate Sheet and click on Modify

  2. Click on Download Sample

  3. You will start downloading a .csv file

Export the Rate Sheet List

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

  1. In the Rating Dashboard, click on Export

  2. You will begin downloading a .csv file containing all the Rate Sheets associated to this Relationship

Distribute the Rate Sheet

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

  1. In the Rating Dashboard, click on the email icon at the right of the list items

  2. In the pop-up window, press on Distribute (please ensure that you have added a contact type “Rate” in the Relationship Info tab to receive the Rate Sheet)

Download Rate Sheet as a .csv

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

  1. In the Rating Dashboard, click on the download icon at the right of the list items

  2. You will begin downloading a .csv containing the Rates 

View the Ratedeck History

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

  1. In the Rating Dashboard, click on the view icon at the right of the list items

  2. A pop-up window will display the latest changes 

  3. You can download the rates for each version using the download button at the right of the list items

  4. You can distribute all the entries from the Ratedeck History

Modify the Rates

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

  1. In the Rating Dashboard, click on the green icon at the right of the list items

  2. A pop-up window will display all the previous rates that were applied from this Rate Sheet.

Delete the Rate Sheet

Relationship > Create/Modify > Rating 

  1. In the Rating Dashboard, click on the red icon at the right of the list items

  2. If the Rate Sheet is assigned to a Trunk Group, you will need to unassign it before deleting

  3. Press on Delete


Note: No Routeplan can be assigned to a Vendor Trunk Group. However, a Routeplan must be set up on the customer side.


This section keeps logs of your customer’s usage and credit. You can send notifications containing balance and usage to the Balance Contacts.


  1. This function is generally used for Customer Transactions. However, it can be used to track Vendor credit if necessary.
  2. This function only works when a Balance Warning Template, Balance Suspend Template and contacts are correctly set up.

Balance/Payment Dashboard

Relationship > Create/Modify > Balance/Payment 

From the dashboard, you can set the following:

  1. Balance Warning Amount - Send out a warning notification to your customer when their usage reaches this value

  2. Balance Warning - Select the Balance Warning Template used to send out the warning notification

  3. Disable Balance Offsets - Check this option to disable balancing between customer and vendor trunks

    1. By default, the system will attempt to balance your spending between what you send to a vendor and what they sent to you as a customer within the same Relationship. When disabled the balance will show purely what the customer trunk has spent and the vendor trunks has spent.

  4. Balance Suspend Amount - Suspend your customer’s services when their usage reaches this value

  5. Balance Suspend - Select the Balance Suspend Template used to send out the warning notification

  6. Send Daily Balance Email - Toggle daily notifications containing the balance at the end of the day

  7. Create/Modify a Transaction

  8. Export Transaction List as a .csv

  9. Delete Transaction

Create/Modify Transaction

Relationship > Create/Modify > Balance/Payment

  1. Press on the Create/Modify button

  2. Select a Transaction Type

    1. Payment

    2. Credit

  3. Select a Payment Type

    1. Debit

    2. Credit

  4. Type in the Transaction Amount

  5. Provide the Date when the transaction took place

  6. Select the currency in which the transaction took place

  7. Enter a Payment Memo

Export Transaction List

Relationship > Create/Modify > Balance/Payment

  1. In the Balance/Invoice Dashboard, click Export and provide a name for the file

  2. You will begin downloading a .csv containing the Transaction details

Delete Transaction

Relationship > Create/Modify > Balance/Payment

  1. In the Rating Dashboard, click on the red icon at the right of the list items

  2. In the pop-up window, press on Delete

Portals - Create a portal for your carrier

Portals allow external contacts to access a page outlining select details about the Relationship.

You can select which information to provide on your portals from the following:

  1. Daily Performance Email: A daily email sent to the configured contacts containing a performance report for the Relationship

  2. Show Costs

  3. Show Balance

  4. Display Rates 

  5. Re-enable on Payment

  6. Apply PayPal Percentage and Fee

  1. Percentage Fee

  2. Total Fee

  1. Allow carrier to change IPs

  2. Display Accounting Info (allows the Portal user to access the Send Payments page)

  3. PayPal Limit

  4. Portal Template

  5. Show Carrier Payments

  6. Create/Modify a Portal User

  7. Export a list of Portal Users

Create/Modify a Portal User

Relationship > Create/Modify > Portals

To enable a user to access the portal, you will need to provide:

  1. Username

  2. Name

  3. E-mail address

  4. Phone number

Export a list of Portal Users

Relationship > Create/Modify > Portals

  1. In the Portals Dashboard, click Export and provide a name for the file

  2. You will begin downloading a .csv containing the Portal User details

Portal - View (what your carrier will see)

When the recipient of the portal invite logs in, they will see an interface with options based on the information selected for your carrier to view.

Relationship Portal Dashboard View:

Relationship Portal Reporting View:

Relationship Portal Diagnostic View:

Relationship Portal Accounting Send Payment View (requires the Display Accounting Information checkbox to be set when creating the user):

Relationship Portal Accounting Rates View:

Relationship Portal Accounting Invoice View:


Agents are independent external contacts which can refer new customers for your business in exchange for a commission.

Agents Dashboard

Relationship> Agents

In the dashboard you can:

  1. Create/Modify agents

  2. Export a list of agents as .csv

Assign Agents

Relationship > Agents

You can assign Agents to the appropriate Trunk Groups and determine the Commission Type and Rate.

  1. Select a Trunk Group to be associated with the Agent

  2. Select the Commission Type

    1. Profit

    2. Revenue

  3. Select the Agent - you can set up Agents by following this tutorial

  4. Type in the Commision Rate

  5. Select the start date for the commissions



Any change submitted to a Relationship will be stored in the Logs tab. You are able to search for changes and export those as a .csv file for audit purposes.

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