PDD (Post Dial Delay) is experienced by the originating customer as the amount of time from the sending of the final dialed digit to the point at which they hear ring tone or other in-band information.
  1. The default time frame is 15 seconds for Max PDD when value field left empty.
  2. B-Timer: Acts as an extension of PDD and is designed to work as a smaller subset timer to roll over to the next trunk if no response is received from the vendor. The B-timer is activated when the INVITE is sent to the outgoing trunk and if no 100 Trying is received within allocated time it will expire and roll over to the next Trunk or Trunk Group if available. B-timer values can be between 1-10 and must always be smaller than PDD value. The default value entry field for B-timer is empty which means it will not be considered unless integer value between 1 to 10 is set for it.
  3. Ports: This field allows you to indicate the Port limit for the trunk group
  4. CPS: This field allows you to indicate the CPS limit for the trunk group. We suggest a 10 to 1 ratio.
  5. Max Call Duration: It will default to 14,400 seconds (4 hours) if left empty. Please configure this in seconds to accomodate your needs.

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