


The Settings menu allows you to set up options which influence the way you configure Relationships.

Account Settings

You can change and update your Perimeter Account Details in the Account Settings section.

To access the Account Settings page:

  1. Click on the icon at the top right of the page

  2. Click on the name of the account holder

In the Account Setting page, you can:

  1. Change the user’s name

  2. Change the account email

  3. Upload a profile picture

  4. Change the Perimeter theme: Dark, Light or Gray

  5. Update the account password

  6. Set up an inactivity logout timer

General Settings

The General Settings page allows you to configure your company’s Perimeter profile. The changes here affect all Perimeter users and functions.

Note: You can only edit the General Settings if you have Administrator privileges

To access the General Settings page:

  1. Hover over the Settings button located in the top menu

  2. Click on General Settings

General Settings Dashboard

Settings > General Settings

In the dashboard, you can change the following sections:

  1. Provisioning Information

  2. Subscriber Information

  3. Address Information

  4. Phone Information

  5. Logo

  6. Subscriber Contacts

  7. Paypal Integration

  8. Default Email address


Provisioning Information

Settings > General Settings 

This section displays the technical provisioning details associated with your account. To edit those, you will need to contact our support team. The following information is displayed:

  1. Provisioned Ports

  2. Provisioned CPS

  3. Provisioned Media

  4. Payment Method

  5. Public IP

  6. Method

  7. Type

  8. Set

Subscriber Information

Settings > General Settings 

This section allows you to set up log in and daily balance messages for each user of the switch.

You can edit the following:

  1. Subscriber Name

  2. Display Name

  3. Website Address

  4. Time Zone

Address Information

Settings > General Settings 

  1. Address 1

  2. Address 2

  3. City

  4. State

  5. Country

Phone Information

Settings > General Settings 

  1. Phone number

  2. Mobile number

  3. Fax number

Settings > General Settings 

The Logo will be displayed on Invoices. To upload:

  1. Press on the Select Logo button

  2. Choose your file in the explorer

  3. Press OK

Subscriber Contacts

Settings > General Settings 

All Subscriber contacts have unique login credentials. All changes made by the subscribers in Perimeter will have their name associated. You can see the changes in the Logs and History sections of Perimeter.

You can use the Subscriber Contacts to grant and revoke access to your employees, ensuring smooth on-boarding and off-boarding procedures.

From the Subscriber Contacts section, you can:

  1. View your account permissions

  2. Create/Modify Subscribers

  3. Change Subscriber Password

  4. Export

  5. Activate/Deactivate account

  6. View Login History

  7. Delete

  8. Resend welcome email, change user password

Create/Modify Subscribers

Settings > General Settings > Subscriber Contacts

When you create a new subscriber, a welcome email will be automatically sent to the provided email address.

  1. To Create or Modify subscribers:

    1. Press on Create


    1. Select an existing subscriber and click on Modify

  1. Select Contact type:

    1. NOC

    2. Sales

    3. Billing

    4. Admin - This option will enable the user to have full privileges on Perimeter, including creating and deleting subscribers

    5. Technical

  2. Provide the User Name

  3. Provide the Contact Email Address

  4. Provide the Contact’s name

  5. Provide the Contact’s IM address

  6. Provide the Contact’s Phone number

  7. Toggle Login Rights - this option will enable the user to login with a new set of credentials

  8. Toggle Receive Notices - the user will receive notifications with changes made in Perimeter

  9. Click on Create

Change Subscriber Password

Settings > General Settings > Subscriber Contacts

Important Note: When clicking on Change Password, the process is instantaneous and the user will be sent an email containing their newly generated password.

  1. Select an existing subscriber from the list

  2. Click on Change Password


Settings > General Settings > Subscriber Contacts

You can export a .csv of all the existing subscribers.

  1. Click on Export

  2. Provide a name for the .csv file and click on Export

  3. A newly generated .csv file will begin downloading


Settings > General Settings > Subscriber Contacts

You can deactivate contacts to prevent them from logging in temporarily:

  1. At the right of the Subscriber Contact entries, use the toggle to Activate and Deactivate the account

View Login History

Settings > General Settings > Subscriber Contacts

To view Subscriber login history:

  1. At the right of the Subscriber Contact entries, click on the History icon

  2. In the pop-up window, you will see the past Logins for the selected user


Settings > General Settings > Subscriber Contacts

  1. At the right of the Subscriber Contact entries, click on the red Delete icon

  2. In the pop-up window, press on Delete

Send Email

Settings > General Settings > Subscriber Contacts

This function will send a new Welcome email to the user and will generate a new password.

PayPal Integration

Settings > General Settings

Perimeter currently supports payments made through PayPal. In the section, you can edit the main debiting and crediting Paypal account. An agent must have the display accounting information checkbox checked in order to send payments.

You can edit the following:

  1. PayPal account - the email address associated to the PayPal account

  2. Mode - Development or Provisioning

  3. Status - Enabled or Disabled

Default Email address

Settings > General Settings

The Default Email Address is the address used when Perimeter was provisioned. It defaults as the main address for communication (sending invoices and rates) unless stated otherwise in Templates.

To edit the default email address:

  1. Type in the new email address in the field

  2. Press on Save Changes E911 Integration

Settings > General Settings

Users can provision 911 numbers for any carrier they want authorized to dial 911 through the system. To configure, provide the following:

  • Username

  • Password

  • Vendor E911 Rate (USD)

  • Vendor E911 Penalty Rate (USD)

E911 Default Settings

Settings > General Settings

To configure E911 defaults settings, provide:

  • E911 provider

  • Customer Rate (USD)

  • Customer Penalty Rate (USD)


Settings > Templates

Templates are pre-configured details and data sets. For example they can hold variables such as rates and prices to produce consistent results.

To access the Templates Menu:

  1. Hover over Settings located on the top menu bar

  2. Click on Templates

Perimeter features 4 types of templates:

  1. Rating

  2. Invoicing

  3. Balance/Payment

  4. Portal

Email Body Variables

Settings > Templates

You can use a number of variables in your email body by typing in @.

Those variables will be replaced in the email with the details registered in the relationship.

For example: @CARRIER_NAME  will be replaced with ABC Telecom.

Rating Template

Settings > Templates > Rating

The Rating Template is used for feeding information into Rate Sheets and Rate Decks.

In the Rating Template Dashboard, you can:

  1. Create/Modify a Rating Template

  2. Delete a Rating Template

Create or Modify a Rating Template

Settings > Templates > Rating

  1. In the Rating Template Dashboard:

    1. Click on Create


    1. Select a Rating Template from the list and click on Modify

  1. Provide a Template Name

  2. Select a Logo for the Rating Template

  3. Provide Company Information:

    1. Company Name

    2. Website Address

    3. EIN / HST Number

  4. Provide Address Information:

    1. Address 1

    2. Address 2

    3. City

    4. State

    5. Country

    6. ZIP Code / Postal Code

  5. Provide Phone Information:

    1. Primary Phone Number

    2. Mobile Number

    3. Fax Number

  6. Provide Email Information

    1. The ‘From’ Email address: this will be the sender address used when distributing Rate Sheets

    2. Email Subject: the subject for the emails distributed containing Rate Sheets

    3. Email Verbiage: the email content

Delete a Rating Template

Settings > Templates > Rating

  1. In the list containing the Rating Templates, click on the red Delete icon

  2. In the pop-up window, press on Delete

Assign a Rating Template in a Relationship

Settings > Templates > Rating

  1. In the top bar menu, hover over Relationships and click on Relationships in the drop-down menu

  2. In the Relationship Dashboard, click on a relationship and press on Modify

  3. In the menu at the top right, navigate to Rating

  4. Select the Template from the drop-down menu

Invoicing Template

Settings > Templates > Invoicing

The Invoicing Template enables you to configure high-level Invoice settings and set up information about your company.

From the Invoicing Template dashboard, you can:

  1. Set Invoicing details

  2. Create/Modify Invoice Templates

  3. Delete Modify Invoice Templates

Set Invoicing Details

Settings > Templates > Invoicing

You can set the Invoicing details from the top section of the page. You can set up the following fields:

  1. Invoicing Cycle - select an invoicing Cycle or set to Prepaid

  2. Rounding Method - Round Up or Down

  3. Rounding Digits - Number of decimals

  4. Invoicing Currency - currently only USD is supported

  5. Automated Invoicing - toggle Yes or No

    1. If Yes - Invoice Frequency - number of days or weeks

  6. Display Balance on Invoice - toggle Yes or No

  7. Taxation - None, Fixed Fee or Percentage

  8. Taxation Value

Create or Modify Invoice

Settings > Templates > Invoicing

  1. To Create or Modify an Invoice

    1. Click on Create


    1. Select an existing Invoice Template and press on Modify

  1. Provide a Template Name

  2. Select a Logo for the Invoice Template

  3. Provide Company Information:

    1. Company Name

    2. Website Address

    3. EIN / HST Number

  4. Provide Address Information:

    1. Address 1

    2. Address 2

    3. City

    4. State

    5. Country

    6. ZIP Code / Postal Code

  5. Provide Phone Information:

    1. Primary Phone Number

    2. Mobile Number

    3. Fax Number

  6. Toggle Invoice Options

    1. Show Destinations on Invoice

    2. Show Rate on Invoice

    3. Show Trunk Group Information

  7. Provide Banking Information 

  8. Provide Email Information

    1. The ‘From’ Email address: this will be the sender address used when distributing Rate Sheets

    2. Email Subject: the subject for the emails distributed containing Rate Sheets

    3. Email Verbiage: the email content

Delete an Invoice Template

Settings > Templates > Invoicing

  1. In the list containing the Invoice Templates, click on the red Delete icon

  2. In the pop-up window, press on Delete

Assign an Invoice Template in a Relationship

Settings > Templates > Invoicing

  1. In the top bar menu, hover over Relationships and click on Relationships in the drop-down menu

  2. In the Relationship Dashboard, click on a relationship and press on Modify

  3. In the menu at the top right, navigate to Invoicing

  4. Select the Invoice Template from the drop-down menu

Balance/Payment Template

Set Balance/Payment Details

Settings > Templates > Balance/Payment

  1. Balance Warning

  2. Balance Suspend

  3. Disable Balance Offsets

  4. Send Daily Balance Email

Create or Modify Balance Template

Settings > Templates > Balance/Payment

  1. To Create or Modify a Balance Template

    1. Click on Create


    1. Select an existing Invoice Template and press on Modify

  1. Select the Balance Template Type

    1. Balance Warning


    1. Balance Suspend

  1. Provide a Template Name

  2. Select a Logo for the Balance Template

  3. Provide Company Information:

    1. Company Name

    2. Website Address

    3. EIN / HST Number

  4. Provide Address Information:

    1. Address 1

    2. Address 2

    3. City

    4. State

    5. Country

    6. ZIP Code / Postal Code

  5. Provide Phone Information:

    1. Primary Phone Number

    2. Mobile Number

    3. Fax Number

  6. Provide Email Information

    1. The ‘From’ Email address: this will be the sender address used when distributing Rate Sheets

    2. Email Subject: the subject for the emails distributed containing Rate Sheets

    3. Email Verbiage: the email content

Delete a Balance Template

Settings > Templates > Balance/Payment

  1. In the list containing the Invoice Templates, click on the red Delete icon

  2. In the pop-up window, press on Delete

Portal Template

Set Portal Details:

Settings > Templates > Portals

Toggle the following options:

  1. Daily Performance Email

  2. Display Rates

  3. Re-enable on Payment

  4. Apply PayPal Percentage and Fee

  5. Allow Carrier To Change IPs

  6. Display Accounting Information (allows the Portal user to access the Send Payments page)

  7. Show Balance

Create or Modify a Portal template

Settings > Templates > Portals

  1. To Create or Modify a Portal Template

    1. Click on Create


    1. Select an existing Invoice Template and press on Modify

  1. Provide a Template Name

  2. Select a Logo for the Invoice Template

  3. Provide Company Information:

    1. Company Name

    2. Website Address

    3. EIN / HST Number

  4. Provide Address Information:

    1. Address 1

    2. Address 2

    3. City

    4. State

    5. Country

    6. ZIP Code / Postal Code

  5. Provide Phone Information:

    1. Primary Phone Number

    2. Mobile Number

    3. Fax Number

  6. Provide Email Information

    1. The ‘From’ Email address: this will be the sender address used when distributing Rate Sheets

    2. Email Subject: the subject for the emails distributed containing Rate Sheets

    3. Email Verbiage: the email content

Delete a Portal Template

Settings > Templates > Portals

  1. In the list containing the Invoice Templates, click on the red Delete icon

  2. In the pop-up window, press on Delete


Settings > Templates > Lists

Lists enable you to quickly apply processes to make routing decisions based on a list.
From the Lists dashboard, you can:

  1. Create/Modify a list

  2. View list contents

  3. Delete a list

Create/Modify a List

Settings > Templates > Lists

  1. Click on the Create/Modify button

  2. Provide a name for the List

  3. Select a List Type:

    1. ANI

    2. DNIS

    3. IP

    4. Prefix

  4. Provide a description for the List

  5. Select a date the List comes into effect

  6. Press on the Create/Modify button

View List Contents

List Contents

Settings > Templates > Lists > List Contents

In the List Contents window, you will be able to see and manage all the list entries:

  1. Switch between List Contents and List Exports

  2. Create a List Item

  3. Export List Items

  4. Upload List

Create List Item

Settings > Templates > Lists > List Contents

  1. Provide a list value (ANI number, IP string)

  2. (Optional) Provide the date the value will come into effect in the list

  3. (Optional) Provide an expiration date for the value

  4. Press Create

Export List Items

Settings > Templates > Lists > List Contents

  1. Click on Export

  2. Provide a name for the resulting .csv file

  3. Click on Export

List Exports

Settings > Templates > Lists 

In the List Exports tab, you can see all the previous Lists which have been exported and downloaded. 

To download a list which has already been exported:

  1. Press on the Download button at the right of the list item

Upload List Items

Settings > Templates > Lists > List Contents

  1. Click on Upload

  2. Press on Select File

  3. Select your file through the navigator

  4. Press on Upload

To create a .csv file with the correct format for uploading, you can Download a Sample for reference.

Delete a List item

Settings > Templates > Lists > List Contents

  1. To the right of the list items, pres on the red Delete button

  2. In the pop-up window, press Yes

Delete List

Settings > Templates > Lists 

  1. In the Lists Dashboard, click on the red icon at the right of the list items

  2. In the pop-up window, press on Delete

Deck Group

Deck Groups allow you to define the rates used for each type of call based on geographical/geopolitical locations.

Deck Group Dashboard

Settings > Templates >Deck Groups

The Deck Group Dashboard enables you to see all the existing Deck Groups and manage them. In the Dashboard, you can:

  1. Create/Modify Deck Group

  2. Assign a Ratesheet

  3. Upload a Ratesheet

  4. Delete a Ratesheet

Create/Modify Deck Group

Settings > Templates > Deck Groups

  1. In the Dashboard, click on Create/Modify

  2. Provide a Name for the Deck Group

  3. Select a Location for the Deck Group:

    1. US & Canada

    2. International

  4. Select a Deck Type: US Jurisdictional, International, DID, Toll Free etc.

  5. Provide a Description for Deck Group

  6. Press on Create

Assign a Ratesheet

Settings > Templates > Deck Groups

In this window, you will be able to see all the currently assigned Ratesheets to this Deck Group

To assign:

  1. From the drop-down menu, select the Ratesheet that you want to assign

  2. Press on Assign

To unassign a Ratesheet, press on the red icon at the right of the list items.

Upload a Ratesheet

Settings > Templates > Deck Groups

  1. At the right of the list items, click on the Upload button.

  2. In the pop-up window, click on Select File

  3. Select your file in the navigation window and press OK

  4. Assign each header from the .csv file to the headers in the Ratedeck Mapping section

  5. When finished, press Upload

To correctly format a .csv template for upload, you can Download a Sample containing placeholder information to help you create adequate files.

Delete a Ratesheet

Settings > Templates > Deck Groups

  1. In the Ratesheet Dashboard, click on the red icon at the right of the list items

  2. In the pop-up window, press on Delete

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