Spam Filter

Spam Filter

This feature is for filtering/labelling spam traffic. The way it works is by dipping in industry specific spam databases and determining on the fly if the ANI is spam or not. There are 2 options, block such calls from completing OR labelling the call as "SPAM" with CNAM.

The spam filter is applied after the vendor list has been selected from a specific matching rule. Once that list is ready to route, we compare with spam list and check which vendor is present in both and should get spam action applied to it. Anything not in both list routes normally.

Navigate to the bottom of the page of a
  1. Termination Routeplan within a Relationship
  2. Origination Routeplan within a Relationship
  3. Global Termination Routeplan
to configure the Spam Filter:

Spam Levels:
  1. UNKNOWN - New number reported as spam but not enough data to support it conclusively 
  2. MAYBE - Number is being reported as spam but not enough data to support it conclusively 
  3. PROBABLY - Numbers spam score has increased significantly and maybe involved in spam calling
  4. ALMOST CERTAINLY - Number is involved in high spam activity 
  5. DEFINITLY - Number is confirmed to be spam/fraud related due to activity score

Activity scores dictate spam levels and can be found in the CDR in the "ani_risk_score" column. The scores are calculated using aforementioned industry specific databases. If a number makes its way into the list by mistake it will be cleared out within 24 hours depending on the risk score it received.

  1. Label Traffic
    1.  The CALLERID of a call will show up as the label provided. CallerIDs can also be found in pcaps.
  2. Block Traffic

Caller ID:
  1. Add a CNAM label such as "SPAM" using this field.

CDR/SIP Reasons:
  1. When the call is blocked a "503-Spam Detected" CDR/SIP Reason is returned.
    1. Call is rejected and the call is bounced back to the customer. The A leg CDR will not show anything spam related, however the B leg CDR will be generated and include the spam call that was blocked to specific vendor.
  2. The CDR contains a header called "ani_risk_score" which will show the score determined by dipping the industry specific databases.

Note: This feature requires a subscription after the February beta period. Please reach out to for more information.

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