This menu contains a set of tools which give you more control over Perimeter configurations, network usage and definitions.
Tools > Upload Status
The Upload Status page presents a summary of all the documents uploaded to Perimeter. This includes the Routeplan Filters, ANI Lists, DNIS Lists and Master Code Lists.
Name: the name of the uploaded file
Type: the function that the document is fulfilling
Status: Successful or Failed implementation status an uploaded file
Reason: error message if Failed
Export Date: the date of the file
Action Icon: download the uploaded file
Tools > Deck Generator
The Ratedeck Generator History dashboard allows you to:
Switch between Variable and Flat views
Assign a Ratedeck to a Trunk Group
Distribute the Ratedeck
Generate a Ratedeck
Create/Modify a Ratedeck
Export a list of Ratedecks
Delete a Ratedeck
The dashboard displays all the Created and Generated Ratedecks. You can view the following details about each Ratedeck:
Name: the name of the Ratedeck
Direction: Termination or Origination
Location: US & Canada or International
Category: Dialed, Toll-Free, Prefix Jurisdictional, DID
Modify Date: date which the ratedeck was last modified
Generate Required: the ratedeck is not ready and needs to be generated. You will need to use the Generate button located towards the top to create a ratedeck
Generated: the Ratedeck is ready to be used
Total Rates: the total number of rates generated in the ratedeck
Modifier: the user who last modified the Ratedeck
Action Icon: the red icon allows you to delete a Ratedeck
Tools > Ratedeck Generator > Create/Modify Ratedeck
To Create or Modify a Ratedeck, you will need to:
Click on Create/Modify
Provide a Name for the Ratedeck
Select the Direction:
Select the Location:
US & Canada
International (see 4b below if you choose this option)
Select the Category:
Prefix Jurisdiction (NPANXX)
LATA/OCN Jurisdictional
Select a Pricing Mode:
LCR Depth
LCR Depth Average
Select the Profit Markup:
Provide the Minimum Markup
Provide the Minimum Rate
Select the Decimal Precision
Provide the Profit Value
Provide the Maximum Markup
Provide the Maximum Rate (Note: if you sold a rate deck that has rates from .0001 through $1 or above, and you set the max rate at .0050: no calls will be able to use any rate above .0050)
Choose the Maximum Vendor Effective Date
Select the LCR Depth
Select the amount of Rounding Digits
Select a Deck Group
Tools > Ratedeck Generator > Create/Modify > US & Canada
Select the Indeterminate Rate:
Higer of Inter/Intra
Lower of Inter/Intra
Toggle Include 8YY pricing
Provide 8YY Price
Toggle Include Canada
Toggle Include USA
Tools > Ratedeck Generator > Create/Modify > International
Toggle “Create A-Z LCR”
Toggle “Create A-Z Fallback LCR”
Select the amount of destinations
Select the destination country from the drop-down menu
Select a destination from the drop-down menu
Click Add
To add a vendor to the Consideration list, click on the checkbox to the left of the Vendor’s name to toggle on or off.
Tools > Ratedeck Generator > Assign to Trunk Group
Select a Ratedeck with the Generated status
Click on Assign to Trunk Group
In the pop-up window, click on Add Trunk Group
Select a Trunk Group from the drop-down menu
Click Assign
Tools > Ratedeck Generator > Generate
Click on a Ratedeck with the status: Generate Required
Click on Generate
In the pop-up window, press Yes
Tools > Ratedeck Generator > Distribute
Click on a Ratedeck with the status: Generated
Click on Distribute
In the pop up window, select the Template
Select a date for the distribution using the calendar tool
Select the Deck Group
Still within in the pop-up window in the Trunk Group List, toggle the checkbox to the left of the Trunk Group Name
Toggle whether you require a Confirmation
Select the Confirmation Method
Click on Assign Decks in the top right of the pop-up window
Tools > Ratedeck Generator > Export
Click on a Ratedeck with the status: Generated
Click on Export
Provide a name for the resulting .csv file
In the pop-up window, click on Export
A file download will begin shortly
Tools > Deck Generator > LCR
The LCR tool allows you to create the LCR Ratedeck based on your Master Code List or based on the rates sold to a customer.
Click on Create
Select LCR Type:
Create by MCL: bases the LCR Ratedeck output on the MCL codes. Next you can select the Nth depth, which will give you an excel sheet with your MCL codes and the Nth rate from your vendors.
Create by deck: bases the LCR output on a customer rate deck you select. Next you can select the Nth depth, which will give you an excel sheet with your customer codes and the Nth rate from your vendors.
Select LCR Depth
Select Country
Select Rate Type:
Click on Create
Tools > Master Code List
The Master Code List (MCL) is a list with definitions for routing international calls. These need to be set up correctly for your calls to be routed as intended. A misconfigured Master Code List would cause major issues for international calls. Peeredge automatically detects new vendor codes when importing international vendor decks and adds them to the MCL. The newly added codes (Destination Name and Destination codes) can be seen on the MCL page under the “Appended MCL Codes” tab.
From the Master Code List Dashboard, you can:
Create/Modify a MCL Template
Create a single Country entry
Upload a .csv File containing a Country List
Export the existing MCL
Tools > Master Code List > Create/Modify
Click on Create/Modify
Provide a name for the MCL Template
Select a list to copy from
Click on Create/Save Changes
Tools > Master Code List > MCL Template > Countries
Tools > Master Code List > MCL Template > Countries > Create
Click on Create Country
Provide the Country Name
Select the continent from the drop-down menu
Provide the Country Code
Tools > Master Code List > MCL Template > Countries > Upload File
Click on Upload File
Click on Select File and select your file through the explorer window
Click on Upload
Tools > Master Code List > MCL Template > Countries > Export
Click on Export
Provide a name for the resulting .csv file
Select between US & Canada and International
Click on Export
A file download will begin shortly
Click on Create
Provide the Code
Click on Create
Tools > Pending Decks
When distributing Ratedecks through the Deck Generator tool, you will see any outstanding distributions on page.
You can use the drop-down menu located at the top right of the page to select between Pending and Assigned decks.
From the Pending Decks page, you have the following fields available:
Deck Name
Trunk Group
Effective Date: you can edit the Effective Date by clicking on it
Status: Confirmed or Not Confirmed
Method: Delivered or Not Delivered
Resend Deck Notification: click the icon to resend a notification to the rate contact
Manual Confirmation: click to manually confirm
Delete a Pending Deck
From the Assigned Decks page, you have the following fields available:
Deck Name
Trunk Group
Effective Date: you can edit the Effective Date by clicking on it
Status: Confirmed or Not Confirmed
Method: Delivered or Not Delivered
Resend Deck Notification: click the icon to resend a notification to the rate contact
Delete a Pending Deck
Tools > Platform Status
The Platform Status Report shows your network components alongside their current status and uptime.
Components: Data Centre, Load Balancer, Media Switch, Traffic Manager, Portal Server, Warehouse Server
Status: OK or failed
Uptime: how long the component has been continuously active
Tools > Live Calls
The Live Calls report enables you to see the currently connected calls on your network.
You can filter the list of current calls using the following filters:
Incoming Trunk Group: select the trunk group from the drop-down menu
Outgoing Trunk Group: select the trunk group from the drop-down menu
Limit: the number of live calls to be displayed
Click on Refresh to update the list in case calls ended and others have started
Click Kill Calls to terminate all selected calls
Originating Relationship: the originating relationship the call is routed from
Originating Trunk Group: the originating trunk the call is routed from
Terminating Relationship: the terminating relationship the call is routed from
Terminating Trunk Group: the terminating trunk the call is routed from
Start: start time of the call
ANI: Automatic Number Identification
DNIS: Dialed Number Identification Service
Duration: how long the call lasted
Tools > Live Trace
The live trace runs on the load balancer (LB) and streams any and all data for 120 seconds to the UI. Users can catch all SIP packets matching the criteria specified in the filter.
You can control Live Tracing with the following:
Filter: the filter is matched as a string so anything typed in this field will be matched on a case sensitive basis. Please do not use generic keywords for searching or it may cause your browser to hang as it will match and stream all data back to you.
Start/Stop Trace
Tools > Call Recording
Click on the blue Create button on the under CALEA Target on the Call Recording page
Add the Target ANI or DNIS: the phone number you want to capture the recording for
Add the Start Date and optionally the End Date to set the time frame to capture recordings
Add a Case ID to identify/tag the CALEA Target (Call Recording entry)
Click on Create
Tools > Email History
On this page you can view all the email communications that have been sent out from Perimeter.
Trunk Groups
Rate Sheet
For each email, you will see the following details:
From Email
To Email
Email Subject
Date Sent
Status: Opened, Failed or Delivered
Action: View History
Tools > General Logs
This page allows you to view a list of all the actions that have taken place in Perimeter.
The dashboard allows you to:
Generate logs for a type of activity
Search for an entry by name
Apply a time filter
Reset search/filter
Export the list of logs
You can view the following information:
Created At