Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide


What is Perimeter and what does it do?

Perimeter/ECO enables carriers and enterprises to optimize global voice networks while leveraging machine learning technologies to automate the management and resiliency of global voice networks from a single dashboard. With the Perimeter platform, enterprises benefit from intelligent routing and no-touch management for improved operations, while enjoying significant cost reduction due to the ability to leverage wholesale telephony voice networks.

Users, Authentication & Login

After subscribing to Perimeter, you will receive an email containing credentials for a superuser account. 

To log in, you will need to:

  1. Access the subscriber URL provided in the email (e.g. https://yourcompany.peeredge.com/

  2. Provide the email address and password as specified in the email

  3. Click on Sign In


The superuser is a master account and has admin permissions over all areas of the platform. Do not share those credentials with other members of your organization
Perimeter has the ability to create additional users whose permissions you can easily manage. You can learn how to create additional users 
in this section.

Quick-start Relationship Configuration

In this section, we will showcase the most simple configuration for enabling Perimeter to initialize traffic from your network. The walkthrough below will only include mandatory fields.

To start using Perimeter, you will need to define a relationship as follows:

  1. With your mouse, hover over the Relationships button located at the top menu 

  2. Select Relationships from the drop-down menu

  3. Click on Create in the Relationship Dashboard

Relationship Info Quick Config

Relationships  > Create

  1. Once you press on Create as outlined above, you will be redirected to the Relationship Info tab

  2. Provide a Name for the Relationship

  3. Press Save Changes at the bottom.

Additional Fields:

  • Relationship Contacts: These are the contact details for your customers and vendors to receive notifications. If you do not set up any Contacts, you will not be able to send balance sheets, rates, invoices or notifications. The types of Contacts are:

    • Billing: send Invoices

    • Balance: send balance sheets

    • Rate: send rates

    • NOC: send change notifications made to Trunk Groups

  • The Address Information section will be used to prepopulate fields in the invoice templates when generating invoices. If this section is left blank, you will not have an address featured on your invoices generated by Perimeter.

Note: It is possible to configure a Trunk for Wholesale Termination Vendors, Customers, Originating DID's and Toll Free.

A Termination-Vendor configuration will enable you to send traffic whose termination point is a Vendor (traffic originates with you and terminates at the Vendor).
A Termination-Customer configuration will enable you to send traffic whose termination point is a Customer (traffic originates with the Customer and comes to you. You in turn send traffic to your Vendors).
An Origination-Vendor configuration will enable you to receive traffic whose origination point is a vendor (traffic originates at the Vendor and terminates at you).
An Origination-Customer configuration will enable you to configure traffic whose origination point is a Vendor (traffic originates at the Vendor and terminates at the Customer).

Termination-Vendor Configuration

With a Termination-Vendor Configuration, you are sending traffic to a vendor.

Trunk Group Quick Config

Relationships > Create > Trunk Group

  1. Once you’ve saved the Relationship Info changes, the Trunk Group tab will become available at the top right of the page.

  2. In the Trunk Group page, click on Create

  3. Provide a name for the Trunk Group

  4. Set Direction as ‘Termination’ and Relationship as ‘Vendor’

  5. Under the Limit/Options section, complete the following:

    1. Ports: Indicate the port limit for the trunk group

    2. CPS: Indicate the cps limit for the trunk group. We suggest a 10 to 1 ratio.

    3. Max Call Duration: It will default to 14,400 seconds if left empty (4 hours) please configure in seconds to accomodate your needs

    4. PDD: It will default to 15 seconds if left empty, please configure the pdd necessary for your traffic

    5. B-Timer: Offers the extension of PDD and is designed to work as a smaller subset timer to roll over to the next trunk or trunk group if no response is received from the vendor. B timer is activated when the INVITE is sent to the outgoing trunk and if no 100 Trying is received within allocated time it will expire and roll over to the next Trunk or Trunk Group if available.
      B-timer value can be between 1-10 and must always be smaller than PDD value. Default value for B-timer is empty which means it will not be considered unless integer value between 1 to 10 is set for it.
      Example: PDD is set to 10 seconds; B Timer is set to 5 seconds

  1. Click on Create at the bottom right of the Trunk Group Basic Information section

  1. In the Add Trunk section, create a new trunk by providing the following details:

    1. IP address - provide:

      1. IP address: type the IP address of the vendor one by one.

      2. Port: 5060 is default, however, you can change if necessary

      3. Protocol: UDP is the default, but TCP and TLS are options)


    1. Registration - provide:

      1. Username (can not be an email address)

      2. Password

      3. Protocol

  1. Select the Protocol from the drop-down menu

  2. You will need to give the Switch IP to your customers and vendors in order to run traffic through the trunk.

  3. Click on Create at the bottom right of the Add Trunk section

After creating a new Trunk, press on the Back arrow at the top left of the page.

Rating Quick Config

Relationships > Create > Rating

Rating will determine the charging amount per unit of time for your network traffic depending on the location of the call. To do this, start by creating a Ratedeck.

  1. Navigate to the Rating tab at the top right of the page and press on Create

  2. Provide a name for the Ratedeck

  3. Depending on your Location, do one of the following:

    1. US & Canada:

      1. Set Direction to ‘Termination’

      2. Set Deck type to ‘Prefix Jurisdictional’

      3. Set Relation to ‘Vendor

    2. International:

      1. Set Direction to ‘Termination’

      2. Set Deck type to ‘Dialed’ for any non-US&CA or EEA country or ‘EEA’ for the European Economic Area

      3. Set Relation to ‘Vendor’

  4. Click on Create

  5. After creating the Ratedeck, press on the Back button featured in the top left of the page.

  1. Select the Ratedeck recently created by clicking on the list entry.

  2. Press on Assign to Trunk Group

  1. In the pop-up window, press on Add Trunk Group

  2. Select a Trunk Group from the drop-down menu

  3. Press on Assign

To have a working Rating system, you also need to set up a Rate Template as outlined here.

Importing a Rate sheet

When you upload a Rate sheet, you must align the headers from your .csv file to the headers provided in Perimeter:

  1. Select an existing Ratedeck (by clicking on the list item in the second row) and click on Modify

  2. Click on the Select File 

  3. Select your .csv file and click Open. A new section named Ratedeck Mapping will appear in Perimeter

  4. The headers from your .csv file will appear in the drop down menus. You will need to assign a header to each of the drop-down menus.

  5. After you finish mapping all the headers to the drop-down menus, click on Save & Upload

Congratulations on setting up a Termination Customer configuration!

You’ve successfully set up the minimum configuration for sending and receiving traffic through Perimeter.

Termination-Customer Configuration

In a Termination-Customer configuration, you are receiving traffic from your customer.

Trunk Group Quick Config

Relationships > Create > Trunk Group

  1. Once you’ve saved the Relationship Info changes, the Trunk Group tab will become available at the top right of the page.

  1. In the Trunk Group page, click on Create

  2. Provide a name for the Trunk Group

  3. Set Direction as ‘Termination’ and Relationship as ‘Customer’

  4. Under the Limit/Options section, complete the following:

    1. Ports: X 

    2. CPS: X/10

*where X is the number of Ports available

    1. Max Call Duration: configure conforming for your needs

    2. PDD: configure conforming for your need

  1. Click on Create at the bottom right of the Trunk Group Basic Information section

  1. In the Add Trunk section, create a new trunk by providing the following details:

      1. IP address

      2. Port (if you need to accept any port, please change to “1”)

      3. Protocol


    1. Registration - provide:

      1. Username

      2. Password

      3. Protocol

  1. Select the Protocol from the drop-down menu

  2. You will need to give the Switch IP to your customers and vendors in order to run traffic through the trunk.

  3. Click on Create at the bottom right of the Add Trunk section

After creating a new Trunk, press on the Back arrow at the top left of the page.

Rating Quick Config

Relationships > Create > Rating

Rating will determine the charging amount per unit of time for your network traffic depending on the location of the call. 

To do this, start by creating a Ratedeck:
  1. Navigate to the Rating tab at the top right of the page and press on Create

  2. Provide a name for the Ratedeck

  3. Depending on your Location, do one of the following:

    1. US & Canada:

      1. Set Direction to ‘Termination’

      2. Set Deck type to ‘Prefix Jurisdictional’

      3. Set Relation to ‘Customer’

    2. International:

      1. Set Direction to ‘Termination’

      2. Set Deck type to ‘Dialed’ for any non-US&CA or EEA country or ‘EEA’ for the European Economic Area

      3. Set Relation to ‘Vendor’

  4. Click on Create

  5. After creating the Ratedeck, press on the Back button featured in the top left of the page.

  1. Select the Ratedeck recently created by clicking on the list entry.

  2. Press on Assign to Trunk Group

  1. In the pop-up window, press on Add Trunk Group

  2. Select a Trunk Group from the drop-down menu

  3. Press on Assign, and afterwards close the pop-up window

To have a working Rating system, you also need to set up a Rate Template as outlined here.

To download a sample of the Rate deck:

  1. Navigate to Relationship > Modify Relationship > Rating > Modify Ratedeck

  2. Press on Download Sample 

Routing Quick Config

Relationships > Create > Routing

  1. In the Routing tab, within the Termination section, click on Create

  2. Provide a name for the Termination Routeplan

  3. Select a type of Profit Protection

  4. Click on Create 

  1. In the same tab, you will need to create a Routing Rule. Expand the Routing Rule menu and press on Build Rule

  2. Provide a name for the Rule

  3. Set the fields as follows:

    1. Calls come from: Any

    2. And is sent to: Any

    3. With Meda IP: Any

    4. Perform Action: [Choose one]

  4. Select at least 1 vendor from the Vendors Considered list

  5. Click on Add Rule 

  1. Navigate back to Relationships > Modify Relationship > Routing 

  2. Select the Termination Routeplan by clicking on the list entry

  3. Press on Assign to Trunk Group

  4. In the pop-up window, press on Add Trunk Group

  5. Select a Trunk Group from the drop-down menu

  6. Press on Assign

Congratulations on setting up a Termination Customer configuration!

You’ve successfully set up the minimum configuration for sending and receiving traffic through Perimeter.

Creating Additional Users

We strongly recommend creating a new user for each person who needs access to Perimeter.

  1. Navigate to Settings > General Settings


  1. In the Subscriber Contacts Section, click on Create

  1. Provide the username, contact email address and the account holder’s name

  2. Select the contact type for the user. This will affect the permissions for the account holder: 

    1. Admin - note that this type will give the user full control over the platform, including creating new users.

    2. Sales

    3. Technical

    4. Billing

    5. NOC

  3. Make sure you tick the box for Login Rights and make your selections - use this feature to limit user access on PE3

  4. Press Create

Upon creating a new user, the account holder will receive an email with their login details and a link to access Perimeter:

Relationship Tabs Explained

While these tabs are not mandatory for setting up Perimeter to take traffic, they are useful from a business perspective. Here we will give a short description for each one:

  1. Balance

The Balance tab allows you to send notifications to your customers and vendors with their usage and outstanding balance.

You can also set usage limits and send warnings to customers when their usage approaches the limit.

For any of these functionalities to work, you must have the following set up:

  • Balance Template

  • Warning Template

  • (A minimum of) one Balance Contact

                          1a. Creating Transactions

When creating a transaction the payment type determines if the amount will cause your running balance to increase or decrease.

For Example:

Starting Balance: $0.00


Order of Occurring Transactions



Payment Type

Transaction Date


Running Balance








$ -5

Subtract five USD








Add five USD







$ -5

Subtract five USD








Add five USD







$ -5

Subtract five USD







$ -10

Subtract five USD








Add ten USD







$ -10

Subtract ten USD








Add twenty USD

                        Resulting Current Balance: $10.00
  1. Invoicing

Perimeter can auto-generate invoices and send them to customers. 

To generate invoices, you will need the following:

  • Invoice Template

  • Invoice Contact

Auto-invoicing will generate invoices at set intervals and send them automatically to your customers. Note that you cannot use auto-invoicing to generate past Invoices.

  1. Portals

Portals enable your carriers (customers/vendors) to have access to the platform and send payments.

To give a new person access to a portal, you will need to:

  1. Navigate to the Portals menu at the top right of the page

  2. Click on Create

  3. Provide:

    1. Username

    2. Email

    3. Contact name

    4. Phone number

Perimeter will send an email to the provided address containing login details. The portal will only display the information selected in the menu here.

  1. Agents

Similar to the Portals Tab, in the Agents tab you can create a limited platform for Agents. 

  1. Navigate to Relationships > Agents

  2. Click on Create

Through here, you can set up the following:

  • Trunk Group that the Agent has brought business to

  • Agent Name

  • Activation Date

  • Commision Type for the agent

  • Commission Rate for the agent

  • Status

  • Action

  1. Logs

The Logs tab will automatically generate any changes done in Perimeter. The following information is stored:

  • Type

  • Title

  • Action

  • Modifier

  • Section

  • Created at

  • Comments

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