Relationship Overview Dashboards

Relationship Overview Dashboards

Trunk Groups Overview

Relationships > Trunk Groups Overview

The Trunk Groups Overview page displays all the currently configured Trunk Groups in Perimeter. 

The page displays the following information for each Trunk Group:

  1. Relationship - The parent Relationship of the Group

  2. Name: Name of the trunk group

  3. Status - Enabled or Disabled

  4. Direction - Origination or Termination

  5. Relationship - The configuration of the Trunk Group; either Vendor or Customer

  6. Rate Decks: shows rate decks that are assigned

  7. Routeplans: shows the route plans are assigned (customer trunk groups only)

  8. Trunks: the IPs assigned

  9. Trunk Monitoring: A feature that checks to see if the trunks are alive and automatically adds/removes IP(s) based on their state. Perimeter checks through option pings every 10 seconds so you must also accept option pings if you enable Trunk Monitoring.

  10. Media Anchored - This setting allows you to anchor (proxy) the media through the Perimeter Platform. This feature is useful for hiding media topology or going through firewalls.
    Note: Perimeter supports on-demand transcoding for media anchored calls. If the SBC (session border controller) determines that there is not a suitable codec negotiation on anchored calls, the system will automatically negotiate the suitable originating and terminating codec and transcode the session.

  11. Ports: Ports assigned to the trunk group

  12. CPS - The number of calls which can be pre-selected. We recommend a default ratio for Ports:CPS of 10:1

  13. Tech Prefix - A prefix can be assigned to an originating or terminating trunk group to differentiate it or to provide an added level of security. We always recommend that you set a Tech Prefix on an Originating trunk group, even if you don't plan on having multiple originating trunk groups. 

  14. Last Modified: Date the trunk group was last modified

  15. Action

    1. Activate/Deactivate the Trunk Groups

Rating Overview

Relationships > Rating Overview

The Rating Overview page displays all the Ratesheets assigned to Relationships in Perimeter.

The page displays the following information for each Ratesheet:

  1. Relationship - The Relationship that the Ratesheet is assigned to.

  2. Ratesheet Name 

  3. Trunk Group - The number of Trunk Groups that the Ratesheet is assigned to.

  4. Direction - Termination or Origination

  5. Relationship - Vendor or Customer

  6. Location - US & CA or International

  7. Type - Prefix Jurisdictional, Dialed, Toll-Free

  8. Total Rates - The total number of individual rates.

  9. Effective Date

  10. Expiration Date

  11. Modified

Routing Overview

Relationships > Routing Overview

The Routing Overview page displays all the currently configured Routeplans in Perimeter.

The page displays the following information for both Origination and Termination Routeplans:

  1. Relationship - The Relationship that the Routeplan is assigned to.

  2. Routeplan Name

  3. Location - Geographical configuration for the Routeplan

  4. Routing Rules - number of configured rules

  5. Routeplan Type

  6. Trunk Groups Assigned - The number of Trunk Groups the Routeplan is assigned to.

  7. Modifier

  8. Last Modified 

  9. Action - Route Simulator

Enabling and Disabling Vendors (Termination Only)

You can determine which Vendors are considered in the Routing Rules. Firstly, click on the Enable/Disable Vendors button located at the top right of the Termination Routeplan Overview Page:

  1. Select a Terminating Vendor from the Drop-down menu

  2. For disabling vendors, choose a vendor from the list by checking the box from the left hand side column

  3. Press on the button annotated > located between the columns

  4. For enabling vendors, choose a vendor from the list by checking the box from the right hand side column

  5. Press on the button annotated < located between the columns

Route Simulator

The route simulator allows you to confirm that your call will go through for the ANI/DNIS combination to the vendors that you have selected for the route plan.

Select the customer trunk group that you want to confirm:
Type a full ANI (with 1)
Type a full DNIS (with 1)
Press: Simulate

You will either get an error that something is missing (rates, vendors etc) or you will see a confirmation of the vendors that will be tried for your call.

Balances Overview

Relationships > Balances Overview

The Balances Overview page displays information about a Relationships current balance information.

The page displays the following information:
  1. Relationship

  2. Account Number

  3. Status

  4. Timezone 

  5. Invoice Cycle

  6. Current Balance

  7. Past Due Balance

  8. Last invoice

  9. Last payment

  10. Action - Activate/Deactivate 

Record Payment / Create Transaction

  1. Select a Report item from the Balances Report list

  2. Click on the blue Record Payment button

  3. Provide:

    1. Transaction Type

    2. Payment Type

    3. Transaction Amount

    4. Transaction Date

    5. Currency

    6. Memo

  4. Press on Create

Payment History

  1. Select a Report item from the Balances Report list

  2. Click on Payment History button located at the top right of the Balances Overview page

  3. A pop-up window will be displayed containing all the past transactions


  1. Click on Export button located at the top right of the Balances Overview page

  2. In the pop-up window, provide a name for the export and click on Export

Invoicing Overview

Relationships > Invoicing Overview

The Invoicing Overview page lists all the invoices which have been generated in Perimeter. 

The page displays the following information for each invoice:
  1. Invoice Number

  2. Relationship - The relationship for which the invoice was generated.

  3. Validity - Yes/No

  4. Created at

  5. Start Date

  6. End Date

  7. Invoice Cycle

  8. Invoice Amount

  9. Tag

  10. Action

    1. Send (you must have a BILLING type contact under the relationship set up)

    2. Download

    3. Delete

Triggers Overview

Relationships > Triggers Overview

Triggers allow you to sample data and send notifications for all performance metrics available in reporting as well as capacity (port/cps). Triggers can be stacked on top of each other and multiple triggers can be set for the same metric. 

Create/Modify a Trigger

Using the fields at the top of the page, create a trigger by providing the following:

  1. Trunk Group - Select a Trunk Group from drop-down menu

  2. Name - Provide a name for the trigger

  3. Type

    1. Attempts 

    2. Completions

    3. Minutes

    4. ASR

    5. ALOC - Average Length of Conversation)

    6. Revenue

    7. Cost

    8. Profit

    9. Margin 

    10. PPM - Profit Per Minute

    11. MOS - Mean Opinion Score

    12. SDR

    13. NEPR - Not Enough Profitable Routes

    14. Ports - Ports used

    15. CPS - Calls Per Second

  4. Condition

    1. Equal

    2. Less Than

    3. Less Than Equal 

    4. More Than

    5. More Than Equal

  5. Value - Provide a trigger value

  6. Contact Type

    1. NOC

    2. Billing

    3. Sales

    4. Balance

    5. Rate

    6. Trigger

  7. Trigger Expiration - You can set the triggers to run in different time frames ranging from  5 minutes to Daily

  8. Time Frame

    1. Always

    2. Custom

      1. Start Time

      2. End Time

      3. Select days of the week

  9. Press Create To Modify a Trigger

  10. In the Triggers Dashboard, press on the Edit button (11)

  11. Change the parameters at the top of the page

  12. Press Save (9)

E911 Overview

Relationships > E911 Overview

Users can provision 911 numbers and locations for any carrier they want authorized to dial 911 through the system. Bandwidth configuration for E911 can be changed in Settings > General Settings .


Create a new E911 entry by clicking on Create and providing the following:

  1. Select Relationship

  2. Provide a phone number

  3. Select address from drop-down menu

  4. Caller Name

  5. Provide full address

  6. Set a Notification Recipient


You can add multiple E911 entries by uploading a single .csv file containing all relevant details.

Upload a .csv Number File containing:

  1. number

  2. caller_name

  3. address1

  4. city

  5. state

  6. zipcode

You can click on Download Sample to get a .csv template file

Export Setting Overview List

Export all existing E911 entries.

  1. Press on Export

  2. Provide a name for the .csv file and click on Export

Global Rating

Relationships > Global Rating

Global Rate Sheets can be assigned to multiple Trunk Groups in multiple carriers. 

Create/Modify a Global Rate Sheet

To Create/Modify a new Globale Rate Sheet, click on Create and providing the following:

  1. Name

  2. Location

  3. Direction

  4. Rounding Digits

  5. Deck Type

  6. Relation

  7. Expiration Date

  8. Effective Date

Note: Expiration in the Rate Deck setup does not override the existing rate sheet that is loaded.

Once you have created a Rate Sheet, you will be able to:
  1. Select a Deck Group

  2. Toggle Propagation Delay

  3. Toggle Requires Confirmation

Importing a Global Rate Sheet

When you upload a Rate Sheet, you must align the headers from your .csv file to the headers provided in Perimeter:

  1. Select an existing Rate sheet (by clicking on the list item in the second row) and click on Modify

  2. Click on the Select File 

  3. Select your .csv file and click Open. A new section named Rate Deck Mapping will appear in Perimeter

  4. All the headers from your .csv file will appear in the drop down menus. You will need to assign a header to each of the drop-down menus.

  5. (International Only) - You can select whether to Delete and Insert or to Append Rates checkbox. If you choose to Append, you will be able to upload change of rates effective at different times as per international rates distribution.

  6. After you finish mapping all the headers to the drop-down menus, click on Save & Upload

Assign a Global Rate Sheet

Only after assigning a Ratedeck to a Terminating Customer Trunk Group will you be able to charge your customers and vendors for using your network. To assign a Ratedeck:

  1. Press the Assign to Trunk Group button

  2. In the pop-up window, press Add Trunk Group

  3. Select a Trunk Group from the drop-down menu

  4. Press Assign

Export a Global Rate Sheet

  1. In the Rating Dashboard, click on Export

  2. You will begin downloading a .csv file containing all the Rate Sheets associated to this relationship

Global Routing

Relationships > Global Routing

Global Route Plans can be assigned to multiple Trunk Groups in multiple carriers.

Creating a Termination Routeplan

Routeplan Basic Options:

  1. Provide a Name for the Routeplan

  2. Select the MCL from the drop-down menu

  3. Choose the Profit Protection from the drop-down menu

    1. Off - No profit protection

    2. Percentage 

    3. Profit Per Minute

  4. Type in the Protection Amount

  5. Choose the Maximum Rate

  6. Toggle whether to Ignore the Vendor Profit Protection

Intelligent Filters

Relationship > Routing > Create

  1. Enable Short Duration Filter - Set the percentage of short duration calls that you will accept from the termination - customer that is assigned to the route plan.

  2. Enable Intelligent Call Extension - Automatically extends calls that are under designated duration threshold.

  3. Enable 487 Filter - Set the percentage of 487 calls that you will accept from the customer

  4. Enable Intelligent Anchoring - Allows for selected use in media anchoring to automatically manage port consumption. This only works if the 487 Filter is enabled.

  5. Enable ANI PRV (Predictive Routing Value) Filtering - Enabling ANI PRV automatically analyses and eliminates a small percentage of “bad ANIs” from your network. ANI PRV Filtering will perform analysis by using the historic performance of that specific ANI. Every ANI has a PRV (Predictive Routing Value) which can be determined by automatically averaging 3 historical data points pertaining to each individual ANI: ACD + PPM + ASR ÷ 3.    bringing up overall statistics by predicting how an ANI will perform by analysis of the historic performance of that specific ANI. Non-performing ANI’s are then blocked from your network. Enabling ANI PRV Filtering gives you the option to:

    1. Toggle Intelligent Optimization

    2. Provide a Minimum PRV

  6. Enable Destination PRV Filtering. Enabling Destination PRV Filtering gives you the option to:

    1. Toggle Intelligent Optimization

    2. Provide a Minimum PRV

The PRV filter will prioritize the traffic that is more likely to result in a margin when the vendor ports are limited. This decision is made based on learned behaviour of past traffic. The Intelligent PRV option will change the PRV as the traffic parameters change. When choosing a static PRV, Reports should be checked frequently.

Routing Rules

Relationship > Routing > Create

The section below describes all available options for building a rule. To build the simplest rule which enables all traffic to be processed, follow this the Quick Routing section of this guide.

Building a Rule:

Relationship > Routing > Create > Routing Rules

  1. Provide a Rule Name

  2. Configure an IF Condition

    1. Call comes From & Is sent To

      1. Any

      2. Anonymous

      3. Exact Match

      4. Partial Match

      5. Country 

      6. Destination

      7. LERG - Local Exchange Routing Guide

      8. Any List

      9. Prefix List

    2. With Media IP

      1. Any

      2. Exact Match

      3. Partial Match

      4. IP List

    3. Perform Action

      1. Static Routing

      2. % Routing

      3. LCR

      4. Block

    4. Expires on

      1. Date

      2. Hour

Vendors Considered

Relationship > Routing > Create > Routing Rules

  1. Use the checkbox to select which Vendors you would like to apply to the above Rule for. 

  2. You can also select a Profit Protection mode for each vendor individually using the drop-down menu and the amount box. If you choose profit protection by vendor, this will disable the higher level route plan profit protection.

After configuring a rule and adding the vendors, click on Add Rule

Real Time Triggers

Relationship > Routing > Create

This feature allows customers to be notified in real time when certain routing conditions are met.. There will be various cases that exist when a customer may want an immediate action taken when a dialing condition is met. The initial use is to detect when an emergency number is dialed (911) and notify a recipient.

To build a Trigger, provide: 
  1. Trigger Name:

  2. call comes From

    1. Any

    2. Anonymous

    3. Exact Match

    4. Partial Match

    5. Country

    6. Destination

    7. LERG

    8. ANI List

    9. Prefix List

  3. and is sent To

    1. Exact Match

    2. Partial Match

    3. Country

    4. Destination

    5. LERG

    6. ANI List

    7. Prefix List

  4. with Media IP

    1. Any

    2. Exact Match

    3. Partial Match

    4. IP List

  5. perform Action - Notification

  6. (Optional) Expires on - event will not trigger after this time and date

Assign Routeplan to a Trunk Group

You can only assign a Routeplan to a Customer configured Trunk Group by:

  1. Selecting a Trunk Group from the list in the Dashboard by clicking on the 2nd column of the list item

  2. Click on Assign Routeplan

  3. In the pop-up window, select a Routeplan from the drop-down menu

  4. After receiving a message saying ‘Assigned Successfully’, you can close the pop-up Window

To unassign a Routeplan:

  1. Select a Trunk Group from the list in the Dashboard by clicking on the 2nd column of the list item

  2. Click on Assign Routeplan

  3. In the pop-up window, click on the ‘-’ button on the right of the drop-down menu

  4. After receiving a message saying ‘Un-assigned Successfully’, you can close the pop-up Window

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